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Master the art of high performance working

Master the art of high performance work.

Whatever it is you're facing, whether you're experiencing a lack of effectiveness, feeling constantly overwhelmed and overstimulated, or not being as productive as you know you could be, there's a new way of working that will help you overcome this obstacle to overcome.


This new way of working will help you get more results, be more productive and build better habits that will help you get more done in the long run.without the stress and with more satisfaction.


1-on-1 coaching programs are now open so view the program here.

​​"The to-do system and routine that Shorombo taught me gives me so much overview and focus. I get more done and feel completely in control "which means it takes much less time and energy! Super happy with it and a real gamechanger"

- Pippin

who is this suitable for?

This interactive workshop is designed to teach participants to work and think differently so that they can maintain a high level of working in a sustainable way. To ensure lasting results, this workshop focuses on the following three things:


  1. Creating intrinsic motivation

  2. Create a new mindset

  3. Providing the tools and tactics


The goal of this workshop is to help the participants master and integrate what they learn. By first focusing on creating intrinsic motivation we increase the chances of success. A new way of thinking will help them bring about sustainable behavioral change and by providing them with the "tools and tactics" they can transform this into a lasting new way of working and living.


Whether you are an entrepreneur or in a results-oriented position, you need a new way of working. We live in a world with unprecedented possibilities AND more distractions than ever. To take advantage of these possibilities, you need to develop a new way of working. Not only will this make you more productive and effective, it will give you much more peace of mind.


  • More overview

  • Less sense of overwhelm

  • A greater sense of control

  • Higher productivity, effectiveness, and quality

  • A greater sense of accomplishment

  • A lower "mental load" and therefore less stress

the program outline

The skills and mindset that participants will learn will not only contribute to productivity and quality of their work but also benefit mental health and employee satisfaction.

​​"I have a completelyintegrated to-do method set up. I now use this system for various areas in my life, structuring my business activities, exercising, investing, etc.

The power of this program and this method is that you can implement it in your own life in no time." 

- Bart 

View the program below


high performance werken
1-op-1 live workshop deel 1
150 minuten

During this first session I will explain everything about high performance working and we will take the first steps live. I will go through the most important principles behind this way of working with you. Next, we will begin identifying your High Impact Activities and your weekly schedule.



homework assignment 1.
determine your "high impact activities" and make your weekly schedule

Based on the instructions you received during the first workshop session and my e-book "How to become an action taker" you will continue to create your weekly schedule.


high performance works
1-on-1 live workshop part 2
150 minutes

During this second session we will start setting up your To-do management system. I also think with you about how you can integrate this into your life so that you can do this structurally and consistently.


homework assignment 2.
get started with your to-do management system

You continue to set up your to-do management system and fill it with the tasks you want to do. 


3x "packing" sessions
60 minutes

You now have a nice system and the right intentions, but this new way of working is not yet a habit. During the subsequent weekly sessions we evaluate how things are going and make adjustments. In doing so, I help you cultivate a new way of thinking and develop the routines that will help you stay on track and achieve results.


60 day accountability program

We are only ready when you have completely mastered this way of working and thinking. To continue to support you after our coaching sessions, I have set up a 60-day e-learning program. This ensures that you keep the most important elements top-of-mind and periodically evaluate, reflect and plan. Afterthese 60 days you have completely mastered this new way.


return check-in session
30 minutes

Aan het einde van de periode hebben wij nog één keer contact en evalueren we hoe het nu gaat. Deze sessie fungeert ook als extra accountability want als je weet dat je nog één sessie hebt...dan zul je doorpakken met wat je hebt geleerd.

additional supporting material

To support the program, participants will receive the following materials,

  • E-book "How to become an action taker"

  • Slides with assignments

  • 3x reading tips

  • Recording of "How to create a to-do management system"

key data and price

The total program consists of one:

1x (online) workshop of 4 hours *

1x Follow-Through live online group coaching session of 1.5 hours

Supporting materials



*The workshop will be given online unless otherwise agreed.



Number of Participants:

  • Minimum number of participants. 5

  • Maximum number of participants 30


€960.74 excl. VAT

€1162.50 incl VAT

"I went for mental peace and control. Thanks to the learned systems and routines of Shorombo, I fly through life, while my life is busier than ever. This program is the investment I needed for both work and private life."


take action now and plan your intake

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